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AM PM - Stroke patient.jpeg

He took 2 packs of Reserve with AM / PM everyday.
It showed results after 28 days.


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A Brain Cancer patient almost gave up her life. Jeunesse products helped her to bring back her health and life. Miracle she just couldn't believe that she made it.
Reserve with AM / PM.

Brain Cancer

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Bronchial tubes had been seriously infected - caused difficulty in breathing. Doctors assessed that she had only one year to live. She survived beyond.
Reserve, AM / PM with FINITI.

Lung Cancer

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After 10 months consuming Reserve, this patient's cholesterol level is now under healthy range after out of control for 2 years.


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Since starting on Reserve, they are healthy and strong enough to compete in the school's rugby and track and field team, sometimes even train in the rain.


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Diabetes index dropped from 7.8 to 5.5.

Diabetes tablet reduced from 2 to 1 after 8 months.

Off Cholesterol medication.

Lost total 8 kilograms.

6 months into Reserve.

Diabetes and Weight Loss

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Mel has gout for the past 10 years. The attacks are frequent, almost thrice a month. He tried many ways, took so many different types of medicines and yet no improvement. The medicine he took causing bad dandruffs and itchy scalp. Before taking Reserve, his Uric Acid level was 583 which is very high.

His Testimony on Reserve:

Took 3 packets of Reserve everyday for 2 months. Only had 1 attack when he drank beer. Pain was brief. After 2 months, took another blood test, uric acid level was down to 434. He felt his body is now much healthier and till now no gout attack. 


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Suffered from Iron Deficiency Anemia for 7 years. Recovered after taking 2 packets of Reserve per day for 5 weeks.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

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She was diagnosed with nose cancer and doctor advised her to do another blood test 3 months later. She took Reserve 6 to 9 packets a day. 3 months later, she went for blood test and the cancer marker dropped to normal. In addition, after taking Reserve for 9 months, her 20 years high blood pressure dropped to normal also.

Nose Cancer

Testimonials - Reserve: Testimonials

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